+355 69 600 6529

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30


For applicants


+355 69 600 6529

Service for clients

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30


For applicants


+355 69 600 6529

Service for clients

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30


For applicants


What is recognition partnership?

Would you like to work in Germany and need your foreign qualification recognised? As part of our recognition partnership, you can complete the recognition procedure after entering Germany and work in your profession at the same time. To do this, you need a residence permit in accordance with Section 16d (3) AufenthG. You can find […]

What is the “Western Balkan settlement”

On 1 January 2021, a successor regulation to the so-called “Western Balkans regulation” (Section 26 (2) of the Employment Ordinance) came into force in Germany. The Federal Government has thus once again created privileged access to the German labour market for nationals of the six Western Balkan states. This continues to apply to any type […]

Women still earn 18 percent less than men.

The Federal Statistical Office announced on Thursday that the wage gap in eastern and western Germany is different. Last year, women continued to earn significantly less than their male colleagues. The gender pay gap remained unchanged at 18%, as the Federal Statistical Office announced on Thursday. Accordingly, the average hourly wage for women was 20.84 […]

New ways to recruit skilled workers

Skilled workers should be able to work in Germany more quickly and easily in future. The German government has passed a new law on the immigration of skilled labour, which aims to reduce bureaucratic hurdles. As part of these legislative changes, the earnings threshold for the Blue Card will be lowered. From now on, it […]

Black Labour is growing faster than expected

In Germany, the problem of undeclared work remains unsolved, and it seems that its extent is even greater than previously assumed. Should the unemployment rate rise, the situation could become even more dramatic.   In 2023, the size of the shadow economy is expected to rise to 463 billion euros, an increase of around 80 […]

Saxony Anhalt University wants to trains specialists for Intel and Co.

Intel generously supports universities of applied sciences and universities in Saxony-Anhalt with a grant of 1.2 million euros.   This measure is aimed at laying the foundations for attracting future specialists to Intel. In this context, two Intel board members are even visiting the city of Magdeburg.   They are accompanied by a delegation of […]

In 2035, there will be a shortage of doctors in Germany.

In 2035, there will probably be a shortage of around 11,000 GPs throughout Germany. This is made clear for the first time by a study by Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, which also shows which cities and rural districts will be particularly affected by the GP shortage. According to the study conducted by the Berlin-based IGES […]

Employees wanted! Why is there a shortage of staff everywhere? | On the pulse

Waiters, educators, craftsmen: the shortage of personnel does not stop at any industry. ZDF presenter Sarah Tacke sets out to find reasons and solutions for Germany’s jobs disaster. What makes Germany really pulse? What moves Germans and upsets the country? Sarah Tacke, Jana Pareigis, Christian Sievers and Jochen Breyer want to know what particularly drives […]

Germany becomes a modern immigration country.

  Germany already has a shortage of well-trained skilled workers in many regions and sectors.The number of unfilled positions in 2022 was around 1.98 million. To counteract this shortage of skilled workers, the German government has developed a skilled worker strategy that focuses strongly on promoting domestic potential. In particular, it aims to increase the […]

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